Al-Asr Society

Published on 2023/06/04

IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MERCIFUL, THE COMPASSIONATE بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ *Al-Asr Society of Australia* Assalamun Alaikum Respected Momineen and Muminaat, *EID-UL-ADHA QURBANI* Al-Asr is pleased to announce that if anyone would like to have *Qurbani* done this year, we can do it on your behalf for the following *approximate cost:* *AUD $200 for GOAT/SHEEP* _________________________ *AUD $1050 for COW/BULL* __________________________ *SHARE FOR COW/BULL:* For each person *$150 per share* *($150 x 7 people = $1050)* *The Qurbani meat will be distributed to needy areas of Pakistan to widows, orphans, and poor people who are genuinely deserving and can...
2 Butler Road, Altona North, VIC - 3025
2 Butler Road
0416 123 786

Al-Asr Society

Eid Festivals 56 views ID: 491
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Published on 2023/06/04


IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MERCIFUL, THE COMPASSIONATE بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ *Al-Asr Society of Australia* Assalamun Alaikum Respected Momineen and Muminaat, *EID-UL-ADHA QURBANI* Al-Asr is pleased to announce that if anyone would like to have *Qurbani* done this year, we can do it on your behalf for the following *approximate cost:* *AUD $200 for GOAT/SHEEP* _________________________ *AUD $1050 for COW/BULL* __________________________ *SHARE FOR COW/BULL:* For each person *$150 per share* *($150 x 7 people = $1050)* *The Qurbani meat will be distributed to needy areas of Pakistan to widows, orphans, and poor people who are genuinely deserving and can...


2 Butler Road, Altona North, VIC - 3025
2 Butler Road
-37.86964, 144.83036
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Al-Asr Society
Al-Asr Society
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