Eid Mubarak banner workshop

Published on 2023/06/04

Eid al-Adha, also known as the "Festival of Sacrifice", is a significant holiday celebrated by Muslims around the world. To celebrate this important occasion, we are hosting an Eid Mubarak banner-making workshop for children of all ages. This is a fun and creative way for children to learn more about this special holiday while expressing their creativity and artistic talents. During the workshop, children will have the opportunity to create their own Eid Mubarak banner using a variety of materials such as pencils, textas, stickers, and more. They will learn about the significance of Eid al-Adha and its importance in the Islamic faith while having fun and engaging with their peers. This workshop is open to child...
15a Anderson Rd, Thornbury, VIC, Australia 3071
15a Anderson Rd
+61 1300 915 171

Eid Mubarak banner workshop

Eid Festivals 72 views ID: 494
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Published on 2023/06/04


Eid al-Adha, also known as the "Festival of Sacrifice", is a significant holiday celebrated by Muslims around the world. To celebrate this important occasion, we are hosting an Eid Mubarak banner-making workshop for children of all ages. This is a fun and creative way for children to learn more about this special holiday while expressing their creativity and artistic talents. During the workshop, children will have the opportunity to create their own Eid Mubarak banner using a variety of materials such as pencils, textas, stickers, and more. They will learn about the significance of Eid al-Adha and its importance in the Islamic faith while having fun and engaging with their peers. This workshop is open to child...


15a Anderson Rd, Thornbury, VIC, Australia 3071
15a Anderson Rd
-37.75819, 145.00583
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Eid Mubarak banner workshop
Eid Mubarak banner workshop
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