
Published on 2023/08/09

Zaaffran’ is Indian for saffron – an exotic spice known for its exquisite aroma, color, and flavor. For centuries saffron has been used by master chefs in their dishes exclusively for the royal families of ancient India. At Zaaffran we capture the essence of traditional Indian cuisine and present it with contemporary flair. The result is a menu that is authentic as well as innovative. We offer a blend of culturally rich cuisine from the Indian peninsula using the freshest Australian produce – prepared by our award-winning chef with a touch of his own alchemy. Let us take you on a journey of unmatched culinary excellence. Discover why Indians treat each meal as a celebration of life.
Harbourside Shopping Centre, 345/10 Darling Dr, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Harbourside Shopping Centre
New South Wales
(02)9211 8900


Restaurants 63 views ID: 599
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Published on 2023/08/09


Zaaffran’ is Indian for saffron – an exotic spice known for its exquisite aroma, color, and flavor. For centuries saffron has been used by master chefs in their dishes exclusively for the royal families of ancient India. At Zaaffran we capture the essence of traditional Indian cuisine and present it with contemporary flair. The result is a menu that is authentic as well as innovative. We offer a blend of culturally rich cuisine from the Indian peninsula using the freshest Australian produce – prepared by our award-winning chef with a touch of his own alchemy. Let us take you on a journey of unmatched culinary excellence. Discover why Indians treat each meal as a celebration of life.


Harbourside Shopping Centre, 345/10 Darling Dr, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Harbourside Shopping Centre
New South Wales
-33.86785, 151.20732
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